Other Info
Other Information
Here are some other items of interest around beautiful Lake Murray. Click on any item for more details.

Please be aware there are daily parking fees now required throughout Lake Murray State Park. These fees start at $10 per vehicle per day. You can find more information on the parking fees on the TravelOK.com website.
Map of Lake Murray – here are a couple of cool maps showing Lake Murray and the surrounding parks.
Boat Rentals – if you are looking to get out on the lake, but do not have a boat we have all the information you need.
Fishing Lake Murray – we have information you may need about fishing this lake.
ATV / Motorcycle Area – off-roading area on the north part of Lake Murray.
Lake Murray Water Sports – this is a great area for a full day of fun.
Boat Ramps – all the boat ramp information you need.
Go here for more information on lake cabin rentals all over the US.
Go here for our camping checklist.